Watch the TV Spot that Fueled a Georgia State Senate Special Election Victory

Smarter Story

Contact: Stan Smith: 954-762-7000 or


The TV Spot that Fueled a Georgia State Senate Special Election Victory

Tallahassee, FL – Feb. 6, 2013 — Smarter Story Media Team Steve Hull and Stan Smith produced another winning TV campaign that resulted in the election of Republican Dr. Dean Burke as the new Georgia State Senator for District 11 with a 58% to 42% victory on February 5th, 2013. The tv campaign included a sophisticated media placement strategy that targeted the eight counties in the district with a combination of cable and broadcast placement.

Hull and Smith have provided media services in over 125 victorious political campaigns and constitution initiatives producing more than 200 television and radio commercials and hundreds of hours of long form TV programming.

Smarter Story, which recently expanded by opening a Tallahassee office, specializes in full service strategic communications, including TV and radio production, executing media placement, public affairs and providing digital media services including web sites, content development, internet radio and video, search engine optimization, user analytics and social media strategies.

Burke defeated Coolidge native Mike Keown in a special runoff election Tuesday night, with Burke getting 7,738 votes to Keown’s 5,507. Burke finished with 58.42 percent of the vote in District 11. District 11 consists of all of Decatur County, Colquitt County, Early County, Grady County, Miller County and Seminole County, and parts of Mitchell County and Thomas County. Burke will take over the seat formerly held by John Bulloch, who resigned in December 2012 due to health problems. Read the Full Story



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